Phanatic in NYC
I'm torn. Who to root for in this Wold Series (or as my father calls it, the World Serious), the Yanks or the Phillies?
I grew up in NYC, got married in NYC, my first daughter was born in NYC and I went to my first game, a Yankees game, in the Bronx!
Before going to my first Yankees game, I had been to bunches of plays on Broadway, Off-Broadway and Off-Off Broadway. I had spent hours hanging out with friends at the Museum of Modern Art and I had gone to see art & performance pieces in galleries in SoHo (way back in the day, when there were galleries in SoHo).
In NYC, there is a sense that keeping track of the Art Scene is like watching a contact sport. There is an ever-changing roster of players, there are minor leagues and major leagues.
When I started watching the Yankees, I saw them as characters in a play, or an art performance. I have maintained that Sport-as-Art-Performance sensibility.
Oh gosh, I can sense you sports guys cringing!
...and I make mascots.
Who do I root for?
The Phillies have a mascot. The Yankees don't.
Both teams have great characters and great costumes. Both teams have a sense of drama.
Hmmm...hard to say.
It's a great World Serious.
I never really know who to root for either!! Usually I decide who has the best cheerleaders